Use "war|warred|warring|wars" in a sentence

1. Cossack forces played an important role in Russia's wars of the 18th–20th centuries, including the Great Northern War, the Seven Years' War, the Crimean War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Caucasus War, many Russo-Persian Wars, many Russo-Turkish Wars, and the First World War

2. They warred over disputed territory.

3. He argued against the wars of the Crimean War and The SecondOpium War.

4. 9 World War I also was described as “the war to end the wars.”

5. 12 The temptation warred with his conscience.

6. The American Civil War was among the earliest industrial wars.

7. For many years they warred against Nazi Germany.

8. Antiwar definition: opposed to a particular war, or opposed to all wars:

9. The war of Armageddon will end all wars. —Psalm 46:8, 9.

10. After three inconclusive wars for the elusive Holy Grail, the Fourth War commences.

11. The bomb is an act of war and wars result in civilian casualties.

12. Age of War 2: Age of Wars 2 is a strategy war game set in the Age of the cavemen

13. Moslem nations, too, have warred against one another in recent times.

14. 1793 – French Revolutionary Wars: France declares war on the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

15. This is civil war, and civil wars are ipso facto destructive for all involved.

16. The temptation was warring with his conscience.

17. 1595 – During the French Wars of Religion, Henry IV of France declares war on Spain.

18. The Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Biafran War, became one of the most divisive wars in the history of post

19. Birth of America has two wars, the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.

20. Armistice definition, a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties; truce: World War I ended with the Armistice of 1918

21. Accordingly, the trade became a stimulus for capture of slaves as war spoils in numerous wars.

22. There was acrimony, warring factions in the team.

23. The war, therefore, if we judge it by the standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture.

24. The two countries have been warring constantly for years.

25. Often described as Europe's deadliest conflicts since World War II, the wars were marked by many war crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity and rape.

26. Today, warring nations often appeal to God for support.

27. The town was named for General George Crook, officer during the American Civil War and the Indian Wars

28. 10 The Bible strongly condemns such selfish warring:

29. Division also ignited the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48), a series of cruel religious wars that ravaged Europe.

30. Its about the players,clan wars,events,attack strategies,discussions,great loot and war attacks of clan 'Annihilate'.

31. Parties became associated with warring political factions in neighboring Argentina.

32. The Labour Party, he said, had disintegrated into warring factions.

33. Silla warred with the neighboring Korean kingdom Baekje in 188 (around Jincheon), 189, and 190 (around Yecheon).

34. • Negotiators were called in to Conciliate the warring factions

35. Negotiators were called in to conciliate the warring factions.

36. “Wars and reports of wars” continue unabated.

37. War will no longer mar the scene; God will make “wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.”

38. 21 The temptation was warring with his conscience.

39. • Negotiators were called in to Conciliate the warring factions

40. There are signs of rapprochement between the warring factions.

41. The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire.

42. Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36 Description: In which John Green teaches you about the war that was supposed to end all wars

43. Secondly, they are endeavouring, by adopting preventive war against terrorism, to prepare the people to accept new interventions and wars.

44. Troops moved in Thursday to disengage the two warring factions.

45. Experts , including air purifier , are split into two warring camps.

46. Though incomparable in scale with the two world wars, the Korean War was the first hot war during the cold-war period, and was also one of the severest conflicts between the East and the West.

47. The desires of the flesh warring against the Spirit, and the Spirit warring against the flesh, which began at rebirth, are what produce Carnality and the awareness of it

48. For there are many warring against me high-mindedly.

49. 6 Negotiators were called in to conciliate the warring factions.

50. The troops will not attempt to disarm the warring militias.

51. I now know that wars do not end wars. 

52. Chivalrous swordsman is popular in Warring States and the Western Han period.

53. The centripetal force of three major wars—the Civil War and the two world wars—consolidated extraordinary power in the national government; deCentralists were relegated to the political fringe because as the liberal historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., cautioned in his manifesto of cold war liberalism, The Vital Center (1949

54. • Denial of access to humanitarian organizations by warring factions is unacceptable

55. The priest helped to negotiate a truce between the warring sides.

56. There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions.

57. Bloodbaths: These Are the 5 Most Horrific Wars in All of History by Kyle Mizokami Unlike World War I, World War II was a truly global war with much of the fighting taking place in Asia and the

58. He served in the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars.

59. The two countries have been warring constantly for many years.

60. Belligerent (comparative more Belligerent, superlative most Belligerent) Engaged in warfare, warring

61. Beowulf is set during a time when warring tribes populated England and Scandinavia

62. The Celts of 43AD Britannia are a divided and warring group of tribes

63. 14 Chivalrous swordsman is popular in Warring States and the Western Han period.

64. It transpires that he is a deserter from one of the warring armies.

65. The first Chastisement predicted, war, began to be fulfilled with the Second World War, and is continuing to be fulfilled through the many wars that are being fought across the world every day

66. 1776 Chickamauga Wars, aka the Second Cherokee War, (1776–1794) Cherokee involvement in the American Revolutionary War and continued through late 1794 1785: Treaty of Hopewell is the first treaty between the U.S

67. Violent conflicts have become common; nearly every country is plagued either with civil war, with political or ethnic strife, or with gang wars.

68. No other wars of history measure up to the two world wars.

69. Following the end of the war, Octavian brought peace to the Roman state that had been plagued by a century of civil wars.

70. It means that unjust, warring human rulership is near its end.

71. A ceasefire has been agreed by the country's three warring factions.

72. Pacifistic movement was an antiwar movement after the first world war and its dominant ideas were to fight against wars and defend peace.

73. From Star Wars Cufflinks to Star Wars ties and socks, our movies and …

74. Bloodthirsty wars between cities were the forerunner of the national wars to come.

75. The division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever - increasing centrifugal stress.

76. Children often become caught up in a tug of love between warring parents.

77. And yet all his life, his integrity warred with a flair for the theatrical, a fondness for tall tales.

78. His first aim is to get the warring parties back to the negotiating table .

79. A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the country's warring factions.

80. Atrociousness of ‘new wars’